July 3, 2010

Overthinking things...

(Jake sitting up like a big boy!) Ok, so this was horrible at the time, but it's actually kind of funny now. Right after finishing the previous post where I wrote how well Jake was taking the whole lip-taping thing and how calm we were being, he woke up absolutely screaming from his nap. Immediately I scooped him up and tried to figure out what was wrong. Was the tape too tight? Was his NAM rubbing against his gums now? Was he traumatized from having the pieces of his upper lip so restrained? For almost an hour I held him while he screamed, not knowing what to do. Eric and I tried everything. We gave him Tylenol, cuddled him close, sang him songs, and still, he screamed. I was on the verge of tears myself when we finally realized what was wrong. He was hungry. I'd been so worried about the tape (even though he was taking it just fine, seriously) that I'd completely overlooked the obvious. It was way past his dinner time. (So much for that "relaxed attitude!")

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