June 22, 2010

Lip Taping

We just got back from visiting Dr. Yamashiro, Jake's orthodontic surgeon at Primary Children's. He was really pleased with Jake's progress! Today we learned how to tape Jake's lip to bring the two pieces closer together. Jake was not happy about it at first, but only fussed for a little while. I swaddled him after the Dr was done and held him until we got to the car. Then he fell right to sleep! He's such a good kid.

The lip tape actually helps the NAM stay in much better! The few times the rubber bands came off it stayed in place because there was actually lip in the way! For the first time, we can see sort of what he will look like when the surgery is done. It's actually really strange. I'm going to need a little while to get used to it. He's going to look like a typical little boy, but we're so used to him the way he is. I have to admit, I've got mixed feelings about it. Obviously, we want the repairs to be done. It will give him a healthier and happier life overall. But he's my little boy, and I love him just the way he is. It breaks my hear to think about what's in store for him in the next few months. But that's just between you and me. Eric and I believe very strongly that children look to you for what the appropriate reaction should be. When he gets little things like the lip taping done for the first time, we try to take it in stride. Aside from some Tylenol and a few extra cuddles we treat him and his sister like it's just another, normal day. Surgery will be a different case, but so far, his fairly relaxed attitude has mirrored our own. I suspect the whole experience will be more traumatic for me than for him. But either way, I'm not looking forward to it.

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