January 21, 2011

Getting so big!

Here's my big guy a few days after his soft palate surgery. It's always tough putting him through a surgery, but this was the easiest so far. A few hours after waking up, he was playing and eating just like always. After a week, he's saying "Mama." I've waited so long to hear that!!!

This is a great picture of his new lip. We've just started massaging his scar. Over time it should lengthen a bit and not pull up the way it is right now.

December 21, 2010

Here we go again!

Things have gotten crazy as the twins grow up! They're so much bigger now, and need so much more attention! Jake's final lip surgery was a few days ago. It's been a tough recovery so far. He and Lily both got a bad cold just as he came home, which hasn't been easy. Lily had night terrors last night, I hope that doesn't continue! Anyway, here's a picture of Jake's new lip. He looks amazing!

Here his is shortly after surgery. We brought some long sleeved shirts this time, so he was a lot more comfortable with the arm restraints.

Even though he's had fevers and a cold, he still wants to play. What a tough guy! We're heading out to spend Christmas with relatives in California tomorrow. I'm glad he's starting to feel better before we hop on the plane. Merry Christmas everyone!

September 14, 2010

Right as Rain

So it's been just over 12 hours since Jake's surgery and he's back to his old self already. Grandma and Grandpa came to visit this evening and he was sitting up on his own, laughing, and grabbing at Grandma's hair - just like always! In a way, the partial repair has been nice. It's an easier adjustment visually. He still looks like Jake, just a little bit different. He certainly acts like Jake. We read our favorite book, played peek-a-boo through the crib bars, and now he's refusing to settle down and go to sleep. Just like every night! Here he is catching a little tv before bed.

Jake's First Surgery

4am is Too Early!
Jake is out of surgery and sleeping peacefully. The surgery went well, although they were not able to do the full lip repair as we had hoped. There was not enough lip tissue to bridge the gap (which is pretty wide!) so they had to do just a partial lip adhesion. We'll have to bring him back in later to get his lip worked on again. Not what we were hoping for, but not really a surprise. Today has been hard on all of us - we're exhausted. On top of everything else, we had to get up at 4am! But, for the moment, things are peaceful. I think I'll take a cue from Jake and just take a nap.

Cleared for Surgery

Playing in the waiting room

Sleeping it off

September 13, 2010

Surgery Tomorrow

Jake's surgery is at 6am tomorrow. Almost done packing and cleaning house! I'll be posting from the hospital provided I can get on the hospital's wireless and only if Jake doesn't need me for a few minutes. Here is Jake and turtle taking a break from the NAM. This is the 'before' picture!

September 3, 2010

Jake Speaks! (sort of...)

Jake is starting to make a lot of new sounds. We were kind of surprised. With a cleft soft palette, I thought we wouldn't hear much more than the incessant "eh, eh, eh," noise that he makes. His first sounds were "ow," and "ai." (After every sneeze or cough, he used to say "ow." We cracked up every time!) Within the last week, he's added g, r, and l sounds! The g sound is actually a result of him gurgling drool, but he does it purposefully to say something like "grar." Yesterday morning, he looked up at me and said "lal!" I couldn't believe it! (Laundry Jake!)

August 22, 2010

Jake's New (Safer!) Highchair

So the yesterday we had a little scare during lunchtime. It wasn't really a big deal, but it rattled me a little! Jake's reflux has been acting up a little the past few days. He and Lily were in their highchairs when Jake spit up and started choking. Lily has a Graco highchair (pretty pink!) with a quick-release 5 point harness. Jake's was an Evenflow that had a 5 point harness, but the shoulder/waist straps were one solid loop. To get him in, you had to put his arms through the loops. Well, when he started choking, he started flailing his arms, and I couldn't get him out! I ended up having to tip the whole highchair forward with him in it until he coughed it all out. That was enough for me. That very day, I traded the Evenflow in to Kid to Kid for another Graco with a 5pt quick release. They even had a matching one in a blue pattern! So now our highchairs are equally safe and match too. Couldn't ask for more.